Comments Posted By Papa Ray
Displaying 1 To 10 Of 10 Comments


You said: "You begin to wonder if there isn’t, in fact, something wrong with you rather than the other way around."

By George I think you got it!

Denying reality is something liberals, left wing radicals and children do.

Time for a re-think, I would suggest.

Papa Ray

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 4.02.2010 @ 10:56


I don't have any doubt that he and his administration can make things worse. Nor do any of my friends.

One of the many problems the President will have when he steps up to speak to the American people is that many many of us just don't believe anything he says anymore. Many of us didn't even while he was running for the office, many more joined us as the months of his administration wore on. We listened to what he and his people told us while we watched them do something else, many times the opposite of what they had said.

He will speak to people who are not only unhappy, angry and scared but just don't trust him or our government any more.

Your right about the Tea Party. It will become stronger and start driving the canidates that they believe are for the same things they are and that will stop the mad rush of this administration to destroy America. There is a national cry to replace most of Congress, who we replace them with may be the most important decisions we can make in the next year or so.

We need loyal American Citizens to stand up and run for office and to go to DC and all of our state governments.

Not Career Politicians.

Papa Ray

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 27.01.2010 @ 13:12


Here is something to get your blood moving this day.

We need more of THIS!

Papa Ray

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 6.01.2010 @ 11:37


The U.S. needs to emulate the Israeli Airport Security.

They profile people. Not just by race, color or nationality although that is part of the equasion but many other factors such as the things missed on this latest farce.

You know, a single traveler, paid for his ticket with cash, just before the flight was scheduled. On two lists, The country he originated the flight in, missing documents and last but not least the fact that he had no baggage at all.

In Israel this guy would have been taken to a back room and strip searched and arrested just from those facts above.

NO problem in peace prize country, just wave him through on to the jetliner headed to America.

OH...and their would have been no backlash of "profiling" or "racism" in Israel either.

Americans are their own worse enemies, we search for "bad stuff", and crow over the fact that we make you take your shoes off and empty your pockets. Thats OK, no problem with that but what about the old lady or man from florida on vacation? Well, they get the same if not more hassle than the black guy from Detroit with the last name of Mohammad.

Idiots led by idiots.

Papa Ray

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 2.01.2010 @ 22:22


Rick, nice going. Your way over moderate into the screaming, foaming at the mouth liberal camp.

Who would care about the birchers? YOU? and a few more?

They are not even a speck on the windshield and never were.

Who would care about the birthers? YOU?

They are even less than the birchers.

Get a life and medication.

Papa Ray
West Texas

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 23.12.2009 @ 10:43


Palin speaks for the masses. Those dumb middle of America poor hard working, just leave me the fuck alone and let me enjoy my life and try not to screw up the government any more than it is...Americans.

They say little, because they are too damn busy working and taking care of business and their families. But starting a few years ago, give or take three years, they started noticing how things were turning to shit and started worrying.

Obmama conned many of them, enough of them that he got elected, given that McCain was a no go for many of them.
Now those that were conned are feeling not only really, really worried but really, really pissed and many of them have lost their job and are about to lose their home.

So Palin speaks and she sounds like them and their neighbor, same worries, same distrust of government, same anger.

And guess what boys and girls it is only going to get worse, because Obama, his Administration and his Congress have no idea what the hell they are doing or- if they do- they are all traitors. Either way there is going to be a reckoning either by vote (if we are not too far gone to have fair elections) or by other means. It won't be pretty one way, it will be a disaster the other.

Papa Ray

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.
2009 Judge Alex Kozinski

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 22.11.2009 @ 21:35


OK...I condemn this article.

But...he covers many points that are very high in the worries of many people in the U.S. some of them already proven true, some speculated at and others that are more worthy of being scare tactics than anything else.

But his premise of the Military being involved in or the method of salvation or revolution is wrong, and wrong-headed.

Now I can see ex-U.S. Military involved in coming back and running for office in their states or even national offices. I can see x-Mil joining organizations such as The Oath Keepers. I can see x-Mil coming back and setting up local militias, and going to Tea Parties and even speaking at them. I can see them going door to door getting out the vote to get Obama and the Democrats out of office.

I can also see as a last resort, mass resignations of Officers in our Military services.

But in the bitter end, if salvation or revolution is needed for the preservation and protection of this Republic, it will fall to each citizen to stand up, load up and march forward to do it.

Against whatever enemy within.

Papa Ray
Central Texas

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.
2009 Judge Alex Kozinski

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 30.09.2009 @ 14:15


I usually don't tell war stories, but here is one for you to consider when you talk about torture and what is torture.

Back in the day, I had the oppertunity to observe torture first hand. A VC had been captured and was being asked questions by an officer in the South Vietnamese Army. Questions and cigarettes and water and food were given, more questions, more non-answers, finally a stick (big stick) was applied, then electricity to places unmentionable, then amputations were begun, and as expected...finally the man talked. The information was taken, given to us and other Viets and we proceeded to transport to a small hillside about 10,000 meters away and found what we were looking for.

Which you don't need to know.

Now I had real problems watching all of this, or actually being there at all, but the stakes were high enough that we didn't interfere.

Now, I have no trouble identifying all of that as torture. I do have problems with identifying some of the more current methods our CIA allegedly has used as torture. They seem more to me as being inconveniences and scare tactics. But that is just me I guess.

But don't forget I do have a frame of reference to judge by, whereas 99.9 percent of the people alive today in the U.S. have none.

Papa Ray
West Texas

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 28.04.2009 @ 17:27

A BRIEF RECAP OF <EM>24</EM>: 4:00 pm TO 6:00 pm

Understand your situation. But a word of wisdom if I may. After 40 plus years of busting my ass for Big Blue almost 24/7 Obama (and friends) have lost over half of my treasure that I worked so hard and long for.

That makes him and his buds my personal enemy.

Perhaps a story line in the near future where the President is suspected to be behind the destruction of the U.S. (with of course his democrat hood). Where Jack and friends come to the rescue of our Republic. Of course there will be hundreds of dead, thousands wounded and maybe...maybe justice will be done for me and the millions like me that have been raped and pillaged and discounted.

I can only dream

Papa Ray
West Texas

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 5.03.2009 @ 15:36


Because Muslims as a whole (billions of them) are bound, deaf, dumb and blind, the future is going to be bloody.

Foremost, they are bound by the cult of Islam, told what to do, what not to do, what to believe, how to treat others and how to live for the remainder of their lives.

They are deaf, they hear only what they want to hear, all is filtered, changed by their belief in Islam, which explains all unbelievers are to be against them and that they must be against all unbelievers.

They are dumb, maybe not uneducated, but dumb to the world outside of what they have, they envy that others have. Dumb to the fact that Islam is their own worse enemy and is what is holding them back.

They are blind to anything not covered by the Qur'an or its tortured Islamic laws, blind to anything that says they are the ones to blame for their poverty, their dispair and their hate.

So they have only two things that hold them to their reality, their shrill voices and their sharp teeth. So all they have leftis to scream and slash and wonder why they and the cult of Islam are so dispised and feared.

Papa Ray
West Texas

Comment Posted By Papa Ray On 4.02.2006 @ 11:27

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